"Wild Animal Warning
You and your class or organization can assist
the Cascade Geographic Society from keeping wildlife from being killed on roads
in the Mount Hood Area by sponsoring a "Wild Animal Warning
These unique devices are placed along roads in wildlife migration corridors and
are beneficial to the animals during the high-kill periods, which is between
dusk and dawn. When the light of the on-coming traffic passes this section of
road that has the "reflector" mounted on a 3-foot post, Deer, Elk,
Bear, Cougar, Bobcat, Coyote, Raccoons, and other wild animals will wait until
the vehicle(s) pass.
The cost is only $20 a reflector. This is a great class project. Every reflector
makes a difference. This is an important and critical fund-raising project!
For additional information how you can help, please call (503) 622-4798 or email
us at cgsmthood@teleport.com. Or, write us at: Save Our Wildlife, P.O. Box 398,
Rhododendron, Oregon 97049.