SPECIAL EVENTS & PROGRAMS: Lectures, classes, and other events take place regularly at
Stage Stop Road Interpretative Center throughout the year. An Old
Oregon Quilt Show, featuring hand-stitched quilts from the Oregon Trail
to the Depression Era is held each Summer, as well as other special
TOURS: Cascade
Geographic Society’s interpretative tours of Mount Hood’s Oregon Trail
and Barlow Trail, Old-Growth, fish and wildlife habitats, wild rivers,
historic pioneer villages, etc., begins and ends here at Stage Stop
Road Interpretative Center.
RESTROOM FACILITIES AVAILABLE: Stage Stop Road Interpretative Center is handicapped
accessible. It has indoor restrooms (equipped with hot water) that is
available during operating hours.
GIFT SHOP: There is a
small gift shop: featuring Huckleberry and other Wildberry jams,
flavored mustards, and hard-to-find items and unique gifts. This
includes hardbound and paperbound books on Northwest and Western
history, and on fish and wildlife, natural areas, Wild Mushrooms, and
other resources; American Indian jewelry; video tapes on the Oregon
Trail, Mount Hood, and American Indians; wildlife and historic note
cards; Oregon Trail maps; and western prints. Located in the Oregon
Country Exhibition Room, so please see hours and days of operation to
see when the gift shop is open.
Brochures and maps on the Oregon Trail and Barlow Trail can be
obtained, along with information on the Mount Hood Area and on fish and
wildlife and natural resources. Information on special events also can
be obtained.
HOURS & DAYS OF OPERATION: Stage Stop Road Interpretative Center operates with
volunteers. The facility’s Emigrant Traveler’s Exhibit Hall [the outer
exhibit area] is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The
Oregon Country Exhibition Room [ the inside room] is open Tuesday
through Sunday, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., with an interpreter available during
these days and hours to answer questions and, if you like, guide you
through. Over 12,000 people visit the facility each year.
REQUESTS FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Stage Stop Road Interpretative Center is also open at
additional times and, as hundreds of visitors have discovered, they can
have a storyteller available to present a special program. Please call
the Cascade Geographic Society at (503) 622-4798 for additional
information or to make reservations for a number of special programs.
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